How Does it work?

The nuts and bolts are fairly simple. Using one hand, slide one forefinger up (4) or down (4) or slid a forefinger and a thumb up (4) or down (4). Slide a finger up and the thumb down (4) or slide the thumb up and a finger down (4). Slide the thumb left or right (2) for a total of the 26 distinct movements representing all of the letters in the alphabet. Slide multiple fingers up or down or a single finger left and right for several more keystrokes. Additionally, change the mode to number lock and produce numbers with a single finger stroke. If you’ve seen the movie “Minority Report”, the method is somewhat like that. As you construct words with short sweeps of your fingers, word suggestions can appear on the screen and be selected by poking them, rather than by swiping. This will make sentence construction fast and easy in very small spaces.